Free Online Art Classes

Especially when you are just getting started nothing is better than finding free online art classes. Because, let's face it, learning art, illustration and design can become expensive. So why not start with free online art classes bevor you invest further and join a community of like-minded people (just like the Safari Lounge Designer Classes 😉 )?

Here are my free art classes for you at Digidesignresort. They help you to jump right into making art and the digital art program Procreate. So there is no excuse why you cannot draw with me! You learn a lot about how to get inspired in the one class and about the program Procreate in the other class so you can start creating right away!
You see both classes belong together and you can grab both for free!

Free Online Art Class for Inspiration

If you have a hard time sitting in front of a blank canvas my class "Art Challenges - Finding Inspiration in Nature" is perfect for you to get started.
I've included everything in the class you need to get inspired. You get seven different art challenges as well as colour palettes, drawing prompts and photos for your inspiration. I also added a complete workbook with 23 pages.
Actually, the idea is to take a walk through nature and get inspired by the different tasks I have for you. You totally get along with your mobile phone to take photos and then, later, get back to your drawing table to create art from them - e.g. in Procreate.
But if you wanna start right away you can download the images I provide and start drawing immediately. 

But it is a lot more fun to take your walk through the nature and start with the challenges!

Free Online Drawing Class

Here at Digidesignresort you find another free online illustration class for Procreate beginners. I walk you through the digital painting app Procreate and while doing so you do not just learn all the basics. We also draw together - a lemon from an image. The way I show you sketching on your iPad can be applied to drawing whatever you want.
So you don't have to follow along and draw a lemon. You can draw on your iPad whatever you want.
In the end you know the basics and you'll feel much more secure using Procreate and drawing something from scratch - no matter what it is!

These two classes will help you to get started. Once you have taken both classes and of course once you have taken action you'll be inspired to draw all the beauty you find in nature on your iPad.

Above you see a picture I've taken with my mobile phone while visiting a small town around the corner. It wasn't the hottest day and also not the one with the best atmosphere. But once you have taken my free online class "Art Challenges - Finding Inspiration in Nature" you should be able to find beauty in each image and get inspired.
Just two ideas: Why not drawing the reflection of the bridge in the water? Or: Why don't you draw the wildflowers on the bottom right with sand and grass as a contrast?  You see: It's that easy to get inspired if you find beauty in everything!

The best is: Once you've taken the two online classes you'll grab your iPad and turn this picture into a digital drawing.

free online art classes

Art Challenge

Finding Inspiration in Nature

This class is jam-packed with inspiration! I have added video lessons as well as a workbook, images to help you get inspired right away and colour palettes.

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