Use Patterns to enhance your Artwork in Procreate

Illustrations are a great way to tell a story and capture the viewer's attention. Adding patterns to your illustrations can help you create more interest and depth to your artwork. We also tried to archive that with textures you can learn more about here. In this tutorial, we will explore six ways to create more interesting illustrations with patterns in Procreate.

1. Create Your Own Patterns

Creating your own patterns can add a unique and personal touch to your artwork. To create a pattern, first, create a new canvas and draw (or add) the elements you want to include in your pattern. Make your first square to a quarter and put it in a corner of your canvas. Duplicate it. Put the new layer into the next corner. Do the same with the other two corners. Add missing elements in the center and do the entire process again.

2. Use Brushes with Patterns

Using brushes with patterns can help you create interesting textures and details in your artwork. To use a brush with a pattern, select the brush you want to use and go to the Brush Settings menu. From there, choose Texture and select the pattern you want to use.

3. Overlay Patterns on Top of Your Artwork

Overlaying patterns on top of your artwork can add depth and interest to your illustrations. To do this, create a new layer above your artwork and add the pattern. Then, adjust the layer's blending mode to Overlay or another blending mode that works well with your artwork.

4. Use Color and Pattern Together

Combining colors and patterns can add an extra level of interest to your illustrations. Try experimenting with different color combinations and patterns to see what works best for your artwork.

5. Use Patterns to Add Texture

Patterns can also be used to add texture to your artwork. Try using patterns to create a textured background or to add detail to clothing, hair, or other elements in your artwork. Of course, if you do that you need to be careful with the pattern you use. Some might be overwhelming for your artwork. 


Adding patterns to your illustrations can help you create more interesting and dynamic artwork. Whether you create your own patterns or use brushes with patterns, there are many ways to incorporate patterns into your artwork. So, experiment with different techniques and see what works best for your illustrations.

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