Enjoy Printables for enriching Minds and Spaces!
If you love keeping your kids entertained with valuable educational material created by a teacher the Pepper Printable Club is for you!
And for fun & creative Sunday afternoons I've also included lots of lovely crafts you can do with your kids - or alone!
Hi! My Name is Monja and I love crafting! I'd love to take you on this journey with me - in the Pepper Printable Club. It's a place where likeminded people enjoy learning and crafting together with valuable educational and creative Printables, SVG Files and Workshops.

Maybe you ask yourself: Why should I join another Club?
If you are a busy mum that's already a great reason! In the Pepper Printable Club you find lots of printables for your kid´s fun and education and your home decoration while doing crafts with your kids. I wanted to create a place where someone who is busy juggling her family can find a place where she can just download what she needs with a click of a button. And I want that busy mum (you?) find valuable educational resources to train your kid's mind as well as creative printables where you can have some quality time together!
You do not need to join two clubs to keep your kids entertained and educated or your home up to date! The Pepper Printable Club is all of that together.
You can find lots of educational printables (created by me, from a teacher's point of view), then fun games (having families in mind) and lovely printables for your homes, parties and more.
You can download them all.
But wait here is more...
You want to print wall art for your home to decorate for different seasons? Need birthday cards, invitation cards and more fun stuff for family life?
Then you are at the right place! I've added all of that and I am adding more each week but wait, the best is yet to come!
The best printable on earth doesn't help if you don't know how to get it out of your computer, how to personalise it and how to use it! That's why I've also added a bunch of workshops for you! Again, there are more to come with new added printables!
The Pepper Printable Club is for you
This Place is soon to open!
Make sure you become a founding member. It's well worth to be the first - you get more, you get it cheaper and you can download lots of bonuses. Beside that - you grandfather the founding price forever!
So even if you are just a little bit interested and think about joining sign up now. You have nothing to lose!
Sign up for the Waitlist
By signing up for the Waitlist you are notified when the Pepper Printable Club is launched. No obligations. And: This will be available for a few bucks. Anyone can join!