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Create Illustrations in Affinity Designer Material


What’s included:

  • 9  design files in JPG and .afdesign format for Affinity Designer
  • 1 JPG File for Tracing
  • 3 Color Palettes for the Workshops
  • 2 Brushes for Affinity Designer

You get everything you need to join my course “Create Illustrations in Affinity Designer”. You can watch the course for free.

Do you enjoy creating Printables on your own but you don’t know where to start? Then I have a foundation course for you! Watch my course “Create Illustrations in Affinity Designer” for free and grab the material you need here from the store.
You get to know the entire interface of Affinity Designer and then dive into several workshops to try out what you have learned. If nothing else it’s great fun and along the way you learn a lot about how to create printables – without creating specific printables. You get to know all the tools in Affinity Designer and once you have finished you are confident in creating printables for sale.

All of these workshops will teach you valuable skills you need to create your own printables. If you learn how to trace an image you learn how to create vectors. If you learn how to create cork clouds you also learn about adding patterns and more. And with these skills you can create your own planners, worksheets, invitation cards and whatever printables come to your mind!